
原文は FDAのプロトピックに関する情報ページからたどれるここにあります。この文書は、左記URLの2006年2月9日時点での文書を翻訳しました。


軟膏 0.03%
軟膏 0.1%
Ointment 0.03%
Ointment 0.1%

Read the Medication Guide every time you or a family member gets PROTOPIC Ointment. There may be new information. This Medication Guide does not take the place of talking to your doctor about your medical condition or treatment. If you have questions about PROTOPIC Ointment, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

What is the most important information I should know about PROTOPIC Ointment?

The safety of using PROTOPIC Ointment for a long period of time is not known. A very small number of people who have used PROTOPIC Ointment have had cancer (for example, skin or lymphoma). However, a link with PROTOPIC Ointment has not been shown. Because of this concern:

  • プロトピック軟膏を長期間連続的に利用しないで下さい。Do not use PROTOPIC Ointment continuously for a long time.
  • プロトピックは、皮膚の湿疹になっている部分にのみ使用してください。 Use PROTOPIC Ointment only on areas of your skin that have eczema.
  • 2歳未満の子供にはプロトピック軟膏を利用しないで下さい。 Do not use PROTOPIC Ointment on a child under 2 years old.
PROTOPIC Ointment comes in two strengths:
  • 2歳から15歳の子供にはプロトピック軟膏0.03%だけを利用してください。Only PROTOPIC Ointment 0.03% is for use on children aged 2 to 15 years.
  • 成人と16歳以上の子供には、プロトピック軟膏0.03%と0.1%が利用できます。Either PROTOPIC Ointment 0.03% or 0.1% can be used by adults and children 16 years and older.
Talk to your doctor for more information.

What is PROTOPIC Ointment?

PROTOPIC Ointment is a prescription medicine used on the skin (topical) to treat eczema (atopic dermatitis). PROTOPIC Ointment is in a class of medicines called topical calcineurin inhibitors. It is for adults and children 2 years of age and older who do not have a weakened immune system. PROTOPIC Ointment is used on the skin for short periods, and if needed, treatment may be repeated with breaks in between.

PROTOPIC Ointment is for use after other prescription medicines have not worked for you, or if your doctor recommends that other prescription medicines should not be used.

Who should not use PROTOPIC Ointment?

PROTOPIC Ointment should not be used:

  • 2歳未満の子供. on children younger than 2 years of age.
  • プロトピック軟膏やその内容物の何かにアレルギーがある場合。この医薬品ガイドの最後に成分の完全なリストが有りますのでご覧ください。if you are allergic to PROTOPIC Ointment or anything in it. See the end of this Medication Guide for a complete list of ingredients.

What should I tell my doctor before starting PROTOPIC Ointment?

Before you start using PROTOPIC, you and your doctor should talk about all of your medical conditions, including if you:

  • (まれな遺伝的条件で起こる)ネザートン症候群と呼ばれる皮膚の病気がないか・have a skin disease called Netherton’s syndrome (a rare inherited condition).
  • 水疱瘡またはヘルペスを含む感染症があなたの皮膚にないか。have any infection on your skin including chicken pox or herpes.
  • 免疫系が弱まっているといわれたことがないか。have been told you have a weakened immune system.
  • 妊娠している、授乳している、または妊娠を計画されている方。are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant.

Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and skin products you use including prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.

Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them with you to show your doctor and pharmacist each time you get a new medicine.

How should I use PROTOPIC Ointment?

Use PROTOPIC Ointment exactly as prescribed.

  • プロトピックは、皮膚の湿疹になっている部分にのみ使用してください。Use PROTOPIC Ointment only on areas of your skin that have eczema.
  • プロトピック軟膏は短い期間使用し、必要であれば、間に中断期間を設けながら繰り返し処方が行われます。Use PROTOPIC Ointment for short periods, and if needed, treatment may be repeated with breaks in between.
  • そう痒、発疹、湿疹、赤みの徴候や症状が治った場合や主治医に指示された場合は、プロトピック軟膏の使用を中止してください。Stop PROTOPIC Ointment when the signs and symptoms of eczema, such as itching, rash, and redness go away, or as directed by your doctor.
  • プロトピック軟膏の治療の後、湿疹の症状が戻った場合は、主治医の助言に従ってください。Follow your doctor’s advice if symptoms of eczema return after treatment with PROTOPIC Ointment.
  • 以下の場合、医師に連絡してください:
  • Call your doctor if:
    • プロトピック軟膏により症状が悪化した場合。 your symptoms get worse with PROTOPIC Ointment.
    • 皮膚に感染症が起きた場合。 you get an infection on your skin.
    • 6週間の治療の後でも、症状が改善しない場合。たまに、他の皮膚の病気が湿疹に似ていることが有ります。your symptoms do not improve after 6 weeks of treatment. Sometimes other skin diseases can look like eczema.

To apply PROTOPIC Ointment:

  • プロトピックを使う前には両手を洗ってください。Wash your hands before applying PROTOPIC.
  • 薄いプロトピックの層を日に2回、湿疹になっている皮膚の領域に付けてください。Apply a thin layer of PROTOPIC Ointment twice daily to the areas of skin affected by eczema.
  • 湿疹の徴候や症状をコントロールするのに必要な最小限の量のプロトピック軟膏を使用してください。 Use the smallest amount of PROTOPIC Ointment needed to control the signs and symptoms of eczema.
  • もしあなたが、患者にプロトピックを処置する介護士、または、手には処置をしない患者ならば、プロトピック軟膏を付けた後には石鹸と水で両手を洗ってください。これで、軟膏を洗い落とすことが出来るでしょう。If you are a caregiver applying PROTOPIC Ointment to a patient, or if you are a patient who is not treating your hands, wash your hands with soap and water after applying PROTOPIC. This should remove any ointment left on the hands.
  • プロトピックを付けた後すぐの入浴、シャワー、水泳はやめてください。軟膏が洗い流されてしまいます。Do not bathe, shower, or swim right after applying PROTOPIC. This could wash off the ointment.
  • 保湿剤をプロトピック軟膏と使うことが出来ます。最初に主治医にその製品があなたに合っているかどうかをチェックするようにしてください。湿疹の患者の肌は非常に乾燥していることが多いので、良いスキンケアの習慣を維持することは大切です。保湿剤を利用する場合には、プロトピック軟膏の上に塗布してください。You can use moisturizers with PROTOPIC Ointment. Make sure you check with your doctor first about the products that are right for you. Because the skin of patients with eczema can be very dry, it is important to keep up good skin care practices. If you use moisturizers, apply them after PROTOPIC Ointment.

What should I avoid while using PROTOPIC Ointment?

  • プロトピック軟膏治療中は紫外線療法、太陽灯、日焼けベッドを使用しないで下さい。 Do not use ultraviolet light therapy, sun lamps, or tanning beds during treatment with PROTOPIC Ointment
  • 薬が皮膚に無いときでも、プロトピック軟膏による治療中は太陽光に露出することは制限してください。プロトピックを塗った後に外出する必要があるときは、 太陽光線から処置した部分を保護するゆったりとした衣服を着用してください。他にも、太陽光線からの保護をあなたがするべきか主治医にたずねてください。Limit sun exposure during treatment with PROTOPIC Ointment even when the medicine is not on your skin. If you need to be outdoors after applying PROTOPIC Ointment, wear loose fitting clothing that protects the treated area from the sun. Ask your doctor what other types of protection from the sun you should use.
  • 処置した場所を救急絆や包帯やラップで覆わないで下さい。通常の衣服を着てください。 Do not cover the skin being treated with bandages, dressings or wraps. You can wear normal clothing.
  • 目や口にプロトピック軟膏を付けることは避けてください。プロトピック軟膏を飲み込まないで下さい。もしそうしてしまった場合、主治医に連絡して下さい。 Avoid getting PROTOPIC Ointment in the eyes or mouth. Do not swallow PROTOPIC Ointment. If you do, call your doctor.

What are the possible side effects of PROTOPIC Ointment?

Please read the first section of this Medication Guide.

The most common szide effects of PROTOPIC Ointment at the skin application site are stinging, burning, or itching of the skin treated with PROTOPIC. These side effects are usually mild to moderate, are most common during the first few days of treatment, and usually go away as your skin heals.

Other side effect include acne, swollen or infected hair follicles, headache, increased sensitivity of the skin to hot or cold temperatures, or flu-like symptoms such as the common cold and stuffy nose, skin tingling, upset stomach, muscle pain, swollen glands (enlarged lymph nodes), or skin infections including cold sores, chicken pox or shingles.

Talk to your doctor if you have a skin infection or if side effects (for example, swollen glands) continue or bother you.

While you are using PROTOPIC, drinking alcohol may cause the skin or face to become flushed or red and feel hot.

These are not all the side effects with PROTOPIC Ointment. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

How should I store PROTOPIC Ointment? .

  • プロトピックは室温(華氏59度から85度)で保管してください。車や寒いまたは暑い天気の場所に置かないで下さい。チューブのキャップは固く閉めて置くようにしてください。Store PROTOPIC Ointment at room temperature (59° to 86°F). Do not leave PROTOPIC Ointment in your car in cold or hot weather. Make sure the cap on the tube is tightly closed.
  • プロトピック軟膏と全ての薬は子供の手のとどから無いところに置いて下さい。Keep PROTOPIC Ointment and all medicines out of the reach of children.

General advice about PROTOPIC Ointment

Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Medication Guide. Do not use PROTOPIC Ointment for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give PROTOPIC Ointment to other people, even if they have the same symptoms you have. It may not be right for them.

This Medication Guide summarizes the most important information about PROTOPIC Ointment. If you would like more information, talk with your doctor.

主治医や薬剤師は、医療従事者向けに書かれたプロトピック軟膏についての情報をあなたに教えてくれるでしょう。さらなる情報については、プロトピックのWEBサイトwww.protopic.comを訪れるか、+1-800-727-7003に電話して下さい。 Your doctor or pharmacist can give you information about PROTOPIC Ointment that is written for health care professionals. For more information, you can also visit the PROTOPIC website at www.protopic.com or call 1-800-727-7003.

What are the ingredients in PROTOPIC Ointment?

有効成分: タクロリムス, 0.03% または 0.1%
Active Ingredient: tacrolimus, either 0.03% or 0.1%

非活性成分: 鉱物油, パラフィン, プロピレンカーボネート, 白色ワセリン ,白ろう.
Inactive Ingredients: mineral oil, paraffin, propylene carbonate, white petrolatum and white wax.

販売者: Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Deerfield, IL 60015-2548
Marketed by: Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Deerfield, IL 60015-2548
製造者: Astellas Pharma Manufacturing, Inc. Grand Island, NY 14072
Manufactured by: Astellas Pharma Manufacturing, Inc. Grand Island, NY 14072

This Medication Guide has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Issued: TBD 2006 26

